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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One Piece 621 RAW Pics and Summary

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OP 621 | English | Indonesia

Credits: Aohige
Status: confirmed

Chapter 621: Otohime and Tiger
Coverstory From the Deck of the World vol.8: Usopp pirates have grown up a bit

Flashback to 16 years ago, Fishman Island
A burglar takes a hostage and runs, but Queen Otohime (mermaid of goldfish) dodges bullets and punches the burglar,
but bones in her hand breaks in pieces
Otohime's body is very fragile compared to others, but she's a good person.
She holds down the burglar, and punches him repeatedly while asking him "Do you think children raised using stolen money will be happy!?"
"But I'm sorry, I must apologize....! Although we live in the same nation, I couldn't understand how you felt...!" Otohime cries
The burglar who was slapped silly by Otohime has a change of heart

Otohime preaches daily to her people about coexisting with humans.
She asks for a petition to live together
King Neptune says the world Otohime dreams of is that which her ancesters tried, but failed, and therefore he cannot stop her.
However, people of her country as well as Jinbe says it's futile.
Otohime was born with Kenbunshoku (Color of Observation) haki
One day captain Arlong appears to try and take away the petition from the soldiers, but Jinbe stops him.
Jinbe was a soldier in the army
She says he's not interested in the petition form, but it's important to the Queen, and tells him to give it back

More to come.... (waiting on T, he's taking a break. He's still at work)

Otohime is the same as Aisa in Skypiea? Interesting.

Arlong lets go the soldier as Jinbe told him.
Arlong calls him brother (aniki, older bro, somoene you look up to), but Jinbe calls Arlong trash, dirt, etc
As the Adventurer Fisher Tiger comes back from his adventure, Jinbe and Arlong both calls him brother Tai (aniki, again)
Tiger is greatly admired by the people of the island

Description of Fishman Town
The place was initially a massive orphanage.
But soon the place degenerated, and the management couldn't handle the place any more.
The outcasts of the Fishman Island started to take residence there, and the place became a lawless slum

Tiger grew up as a leader in Fishman Town, but eventually left the country to become an adventurer
The next brother in charge, Jinbe, became an elite soldier in the national guard
Arlong, who was the most violent one of the three, became a pirate and ravaged the nearby areas in the bottom of the sea
Macro the coward, although was a fishman, became a kidnapper.
Everyone went their ways..

But one impactful event changed all that. The assault on Mariejois.
Fisher became known as both a hero of slave liberation, and a terrible criminal
Those who looked up to him in the Fishman Town couldn't let Tiger die at the hands of World Government, all gathered under Tiger.

Jinbe: Today is the last day as a soldier, I quit!
Arlong: Let's go, men!!
And so The Pirates of the Sun was formed. To make no distinction between the former slaves and those who were not, the Sun Tatoo was imprinted on all of them to hide the mark of slavery.
The Sun pirates continued their voyage, sinking many marine ships in pursuit into the depth of ocean...

That's if for this week.

Even the most violent one, Arlong, had to stop Jinbe. That's how much Jinbe is enraged
Arlong: Hey hey, bro, that's enough!! He's already lost conciousness!!
JInbe: So enslaving one is legal, but freeing the slaves is a sin...!? Queen Otohime, do you still tell us to love humans after seeing this!?

Otohime is strong, but her body is weak. Slapping someone makes her bones break.

The Pirates of Sun are cool!
Otohime is surprisingly unattractive looking lol. She's not terrible, but it's unexpected.
She's mermaid but her tails are split. Her outfit looks like Otohime from folklore.
Shirahoshi was just born, the three princes are all already born
Jinbe is 30 years old
Arlong makes a living off attacking human pirates, so he demands the army to give him money
Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Vebyo Arson untuk Bocoran One Piece 621 :

Chapter 621: Otohime dan Tiger
Cerita Kover: Bajak laut Usopp sudah tumbuh besar sedikit

Kilas balik cerita 16 tahun yang lalu

Seorang pencuri mengambil sandra dan kabur, lalu Ratu Otohime (Duyung Ikan Mas) menangkis peluru dan
memukul si pencuri, namun setelah itu tulang tangan ratu Otohime patah.
Tubuh Ratu Otohime sangat rentan dibandingkan yang lainnya, tapi dia adalah orang yang baik.

Ratu Otohime berhasil menangkap si pencuri dan memukulnya sambil berkata

"Apa kau pikir anak-anak akan senang jika dibesarkan dengan uang hasil curian?!"
"Tapi maafkan aku, aku harus meminta maaf...meskipun kita tinggal di negeri yang sama
aku tak tau bagaimana perasaanmu.." Otohime menangis.

si pencuri yang udah bonyok oleh otohime merasa tersentuh hatinya.

Otohime setiap hari berceramah kepada orang-orangnya untuk hidup berdampingan dengan manusia.
Dia selalu saja berdo'a untuk itu.
Raja Neptune memberitahu Ratu Otohime kalau itu tidak ada gunanya. Dulu pernah dicoba tapi gagal.
Jimbei juga mengatakan hal itu sia-sia.

Otohime mempunyai Kebunshoku Haki (Color of Observation)

Suatu hari Arlong muncul dan ingin menghancurkan harapan itu..lalu Jimbei menghentikannya.
Jimbei adalah prajurit di kerajaan.

Arlong memangil Jimbei bro, kakak, abang, ato semacamnya lah.
tapi Jimbei memanggil Arlong seperti sampah ato orang jahat tak berguna

Tiger pulang dari petualangannya. Dia sangat di kagumi oleh warga di "Pulau Duyung"

Penjelasan mengenai "Kota Manusia Ikan"

Tempat itu awalnya sebuah panti asuhan besar.
Tapi tempat itu tiba-tiba merosot, dan tidak bisa ditangani lagi.
Para orang buangan dari Pulau Duyung mulai mengambil tempat
tinggal di sana, dan tempat itu menjadi tempat kumuh tanpa hukum

Tiger merupakan pemimpin Kota Manusia Ikan,
tetapi akhirnya meninggalkan kota itu untuk menjadi petualang
Saudara berikutnya yang bertanggung jawab, Jinbe, menjadi prajurit elit disana
Arlong, orang paling ganas ketiga, setelah Jinbe dan Tiger
menjadi seorang bajak laut dan porak-poranda daerah terdekat di dasar laut

Tapi satu peristiwa berdampak mengubah semua itu. Serangan di Mariejois.
Manusia Ikan dikenal sebagai pahlawan pembebasan budak, dan pelaku kriminal
Mereka yang memandang ke arahnya di Kota Manusia Ikan tidak bisa membiarkan
Tiger mati di tangan Pemerintah Dunia, semua berkumpul di bawah Tiger.

Jinbe: Hari ini adalah hari terakhirku sebagai prajurit, aku berhenti!
Arlong: ayo kita pergi, bro!
Dan begitu The Pirates of the Sun dibentuk.

Untuk membuat tidak ada perbedaan antara mantan budak dan mereka yang tidak,
Tattoo Matahari dicantumkan pada semua dari mereka untuk menyembunyikan tanda perbudakan.
Pirates Sun (Bajak Laut Matahari) melanjutkan perjalanan mereka, mereka menenggelamkan banyak
kapal angkatan laut ke dasar lautan ...

Bahkan orang yang paling ganaspun, Arlong, saat itu harus menghentikan Jimbei yang sedang ngamuk

Arlong: Oy oy oy, bro, sudah cukup!! Dia sudah kehilangan kesadarannya!!

Jimbei: Jadi perbudakkan adalah legal dan membebaskan budak adalah dosa..?? Ratu Otohime, apa kau
masih mau mengatakan untuk hidup berdampingan dengan manusia setelah melihat ini...??

Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook

hitsuke Thanks

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