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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Piece 581 Spoiler RAW and Summary

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Source: Nja
Trans: Aohige_ap
Status: Confirmed

Cover art is Buggy and Shanks are drinking together in a bar, where the bartender is a gorilla

Whitebeard's loss is known through out the world, and many islands that was under his protection immediately comes under seige.
New character is shown, Brownbeard...something, I forgot.

The scene changes to the Rookies. Urouge, chimp (I assume he means Apoo), Drake, Kidd, and Capone each have a say in the matter, then heads to the New World.
I only remember Bonny and Hawkins
Bonny says it's his(her) fault that everything went crazy, I have to find him (her)
Hawkins says this is strange, no matter how many times I do my fortune telling, the Strawhat's chance of death doesn't become 0%
Anyways each goes to New World (BigMom's name is mentioned)

Scene changes back to Luffy and co, Law just came out of the surgical room
Hancock who used her snake to track after them came, and Ivankov and others meet up with them as well
The rest is up to Luffy's own strength
Hancock says if her Shichibukai status hasn't been revoked yet, her island should be safe. So the ship heads to Kuja

Magellan is near death.
Blackbeard made the Lv6 prisoners kill each other, and the four that was standing alive are the ones he took with him.
However, there aren't very many corpses of Lv6 prisoners, and it seems some of them got away as well
Sengoku says there's no point to concealing this incident, if the escaped criminals gets to a nation, that nation will be in grave danger. We must send out warrants for them
Soldier: But... the government orders are to not reveal our shame to the world, and to not send out any bounty posters
Sengoku: WHAT!?

Scene changes to Doflamingo and Moria
Moria is spewing blood from his mouth.
Moria: Damn you Doflamingo....
Doflamingo: They told me you're not needed in Shichibukai anymore, so might as well declare that you died honorably fighting in this War.
Moria: Who sent you.... Sengoku?
Doflamingo points at the heavens, and says "No, even higher-ups!" and laughs


Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia oleh Vebyo Arson untuk Bocoran One Piece 581 :
Gambar kovernya adalah Buggy dan Shanks sedang minum bersama di bar, dimana penjual barnya adalah gorila

Kematian Shirohige di sebarkan di seluruh dunia, dan banyak pulau yang berada di bawah perlindungan Shirohige di kepung.
ada pendatang baru muncul, kalau tidak salah namanya Janggut Coklat / Chairohige (Brownbeard) ... ato apalah, aku lupa.

Perubahan adegan ke supernova. Urouge, simpanse (aku menganggap dia berarti Apoo), Drake, Kidd, dan Capone masing-masing memiliki suara dalam masalah itu mengenai dunia baru.
Aku hanya ingat Bonny dan Hawkins
Bonny bilang ini semua gara-gara dia, aku harus menemukan dia (nya)
Hawkins mengatakan ini aneh, walau di coba beberapa kalipun aku meramalkan
kemungkinan kematian Mugiwara tidak menjadi 0%
lalu, semuanya pergi ke New World (nama BigMom disebutkan)

adegan kembali ke Luffy dan teman-teman, Law baru saja keluar dari ruang bedah
Hancock yang menggunakan ularnya untuk melacak keberadaan mereka datang,
Ivankov dan lain-lain bertemu dengan mereka juga
Sisanya serahkan pada kekuatan hidup Luffy sendiri
Hancock mengatakan kalau status Shicibukainya belum dicabut,
pulau-nya akan aman. Jadi kapalnya menuju ke pulau Kuja

Magellan hampir tewas.
Kurohige tahanan level 6 saling membunuh, dan yang bertahan hidup cuma 4 orang yang bersamanya.
Namun, tidak terlihat ada banyak mayat di Lv6, dan tampaknya beberapa dari mereka lolos juga
Sengoku mengatakan tidak ada gunanya untuk menyembunyikan kejadian ini,
jika penjahat melarikan diri sampai ke kota, dunia ini berada dalam bahaya besar.
Kita harus menjamin keselamatan kepada penduduk.
Tentara: Tapi ... perintah pemerintah mengatakan jangan perlihatkan kejadian yang memalukan ini kepada dunia,
dan untuk tidak mengirimkan poster apapun.
Sengoku: APA!?

Scene perubahan Doflamingo dan Moria
Moria memuntahkan darah dari mulutnya.
Moria: Sialan kau Doflamingo ....
Doflamingo: Mereka bilang kau tidak dibutuhkan lagi di Shichibukai,
nanti akan ku katakan kalau kau juga tewas dalam medan perang.
Moria: Siapa yang menyuruhmu .... Sengoku?
Doflamingo melihat ke langit, dan berkata "Tidak, bahkan lebih tinggi dari itu!" dan tertawa lalu


Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ketemanmu yang lain lewat facebook
hitsuke Thanks

Source: 2ch
Verification: Confirmed
Trans: by Aohige_AP

Chapter 581: The future is creeping up
cover: Shanks & Buggy

Broadcast announces the victory of the Marines.
Hancock catches up to Luffy, and heads to the Kuja island.
The Rookies are watching the war. Kidd says the New World is ruled by the Yonkou, Redhaird, Kaidou, and BigMom.
Bonny: It's his (her) fault!! I'm gonna find him (her)
(generic non-gender specified Japanese "him/her" used here)
Meanwhile, communication between HQ and Impel Down shows Magellan is injured near death, and several Lv6 prisoners other than the 4 seen with Blackbeard are
World Government says they won't reveals this incident to the world, but Sengoku disagrees.
Doflamingo tells Moria "You're useless, I'll make it seem you died in this war"
Moria asks if he's acting on order from Sengoku, and Doflamingo says "No, from even higher ups!"

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Vebyo Arson untuk Bocoran One Piece 581 :
Cerita 581: Masa depan terus melangkah
cover: Shanks & Buggy

Wartawan mengumumkan kemenangan Marinir.
Hancock mengejar luffy dan mengarah ke pulau Kuja.
Para bajak laut Rookies sedang mengawasi perang.
Kidd mengatakan bahwa Dunia Baru dikuasai oleh Yonkou, Akagami Shanks, Kaidou, dan BigMom.

Bonny: ini gara-gara dia! Aku akan menemukannya
(gak tw gw maksud dia disana siapa : p)

Sementara itu, komunikasi antara pusat dan Impel Down
menunjukkan Magellan terluka dan hampir mati,
dan beberapa tahanan Lv6 selain yang 4 (Catarina Devon, San Juan, Shiryu, Collosal...)
yang telah di bebaskan Kurohige hilang.

Pemerintah Dunia mengatakan mereka tidak akan mengungkap peristiwa ini kepada dunia, tetapi Sengoku tidak setuju.

Doflamingo memberitahu Moria "Kau tak berguna, aku akan membuat kau seakan-akan tewas dalam perang ini"
Moria bertanya apakah dia bertindak atas perintah dari Sengoku, dan Doflamingo mengatakan "Tidak, ini lebih dari itu!"


Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ketemanmu yang lain lewat facebook
hitsuke Thanks

Source: 2ch
Verification: pending
Trans: by yuirocks

the marine's victory!
the monitor with sengoku and a bustling crowd at the back

記者「すぐに号外を出せ!!」「押すな!!押すな!!」「四皇の一角が崩れたんだ!このままじゃおわらねぇ !」「赤髪が動くなんて……」
reporter: send this out immediately! don't push! (?) one of the yonkou's destroyed! at this rate, it won't end! (?) even it's gotten the red-hair moving... (doesn't seem to make sense without a context)

north blue
child: has the war ended? who won?
granddad: you don't need to worry about it


grand line
guy: it's come down to this, the marines are extending their reach
girl: but, where can we escape to?
guy: anyway, without whitebeard's protection now, this island is danger!

change scene: hancock's boarding a ship

hancock: late!! can we still chase after them!!

marines: spotted!!

hancock: luffy~~!!

in the submarine:
law: we've been caught up with! bepo! prepare for battle!

bepo: aye aye captain!
"you've kept luffy from harm's way for me! (praise?)"

crew: what! a woman's voice?
den den mushi's ringing

law: what? when did you... who's that!?
"i am the empress of the amazon lily, hancock! don't worry, i care about luffy! bring luffy to me! without wasting another moment u must bring him to amazon lily."

law: shichibukai...what's your relationship i don't know but.. do u have proof for me to trust you?

hancock: proof? it's alright. love's always a hurricane!

law, bepo, jambal and rest of the crew (shocked!!)

bepo: captain...

ロー「いいだろう… だが、おかしな真似をしてみろ…」
law: alright..but..but try and put up a pretense

hancock: don't worry. marines are my slaves

再び シャボンディ諸島。港らしき場所にキッドたち。
again back to shabondy. at the port are kidd and co.
kidd: from now on, the sea is gonna be a different world altogether. New World is dominated by Red-Hair, Kaidou, Big Mom. Whitebeard's death brings changes to the vicinity.. it's our chance to advance to the New World

Bonny: it's that idiot's fault we're in such a mess. search him out and kill him!
crew: captain! calm down!

hawkins: all the marines' forces are gathered at the HQ. now's a good time to depart

hejji (?): hurry! it's now or never!

drake: pacifista has reached that level of completion.. that means vegapunk is close to completing "THAT" invention...

guy: hurry! captain!!

つづく to be continued

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Keep in touch for Next ONE PIECE, One Piece 582, One Piece 582, One Piece 582 spoiler.

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