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Monday, March 15, 2010

One Piece 578 RAW and Summaries [leak]

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Translatin by Aohige_Ap
Status: Confirmed

Chapter 578: The one we send off to the New Era

Marine: The HQ base is collapsing!!
Retreat from your positions!! It's all over!!!
This fortress of Justice that ha kept this world safe for centuries... look at it now!!

Crowd: The pirate Blackbeard that started this whole war by capturing Fire-Fist Ace.... now has Whitebeard's power!!?
What's gong to happen to this world...!!!??

Teach: Zehahahahaha!!! Power!!
I feel power rising from my body!!!
What an amazing ability!!! I could do anything I want with the world!!!
To start... why don't I sink this Marineford...?

Marine: what is he.... !!
Teach: eh?
*Sengoku's Buddha Palm ownage*
Teach: !!!?

Blackbeard pirates: GWAAAAA!!!!
Teach: ...!!! It's a.... Shockwave...!!

Sengoku: The base.... can be rebuilt.
However... this is MARINEFORD, located near the center of the world...!!
To the people who fear the voilence brought by the evildoers.... there's a reason for us to be here!!!
Justice in the name of Honor shall not perish!!!
Don't you DARE to boast how you will sink this place so easily, you little punk!!

Teach: Zehahaha... well then, why don't you try and protect it

Newkama: Inazuma!!! Iva-sama!!!
Why you.... !!!
Akainu: Jinbei... Just hand over the son of Dragon

Jinbei: *pant* If I get to the ocean, it's my turf..!! I can get away!!

Jinbei: ....!!! Damn, it's iced!!!
Aokiji: I'm sorry, Jinbei....

Pirates: GYaa!! Uwaaa!!!
Jinbei: here he comes!!

Jinbei: It's no good...!!
Pirate: Jinbei!!
Jinbei: AAAaaaahhh!!!

Pirate: He penetrated through Jinbei and went for Ace's bro!!! Are they alive!?
Akainu: You really get in my way, Jinbei...
Jinbei: Luffy... I'm sorry!! I let you suffer even more injuries..!!
Akainu: You shouldn't be worried about someone else right now...
You got in my way, and I missed his heart by a little.
If you didn't get in the way, he could have been relieved already you know, Jinbei.
You still protect him even with his chest gouged out? He's going to die soon.

*Croc pwnage*
Akainu: !!!?

Akainu: huh...? Crocodile!!
Croc: Sables!!
Someone catch them, and get them onboard!!
Pirates: !! Oh... right!!
Jinbei: Croco..dile...!!
Croc: If you swear to protect him, then get it done!!!
Don't let them have their way any further!!!
Buggy: Whoa!!! Something came flyin'!
Pirate: what!? He stopped mid-air!!
Pirate: Whaaaat!? Captain Buggy just saved Strawhat and Jinbei!!
Pirate: You pretended to run away, but instead you went to save our jailbreak comrade Strawhat!!
You're just too... too noble!! You're shining nobility is too bright for our eyes!!
Buggy: eh??

Buggy: Whoa!? Jinbei and Strawhat!!?
How the hell did you come flying in the air, all bleeding?


Jinbei: Thank you Rednose... you saved us.
But I let Luffy take severe injuries.... we have to tend to him right away!
Buggy: I don't know what the hell this is about, but shuddup!! I'm the one that needs to be saved!!
How are we supposed to tend to him way up here.... WHO DID YOU JUST CALL REDNOSE!?

Akainu: All of you... wish to throw away your lives for that one little kid?
Vista: All of us have witnessed the limitless determination and power he has...
He's a man whom Ace protected, and pops recognized.
We have the responsibility to send him to the new era!!!

Akainu: That's a grand speech for men like you... Whitebeard pirates!!

Buggy?: Hey Jinbei, are you unconcious?
Akainu: I guess words don't bare any meanings now... alright then, do as you wish!!

Pirates: Sengoku and Blackbeard are fighting over there... and over here Akainu and the Commanders are fighting!! The war still won't end!!!
Pirates: Please do something about it, Captain Buggy!!
Buggy: The hell should I know!!

Pirates: What!? Another ship coming out of the sea!?
Pirates: ..!!? A submarine!? Whose ship is it!?

Law: Pass over Strawhat to my ship!!

Buggy: STRAWHAT? Huh!? Who the hell are you, kiddo!?
Law: Strawhat will be an enemy of mine... but even a bad omen is still a fate
It'd be boring for him to die here!!!
I'll let him get away!!! Hand him over to me for now!!!
I am a doctor!!!

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Vebyo Arson Untuk One Piece 578 :

Halaman 01 - 02
Chapter 578: Orang yang akan kami kirimkan ke Era baru

Halaman 03
Marine: Marineford akan runtuh!
Marine: Semua mundur! Ini adalah akhirnya!
Marine: benteng ini, yang telah melindungi dunia dari ketidakadilan selama berabad-abad ...
Marine: Lihat, sekarang apa jadinya!
Kerumunan: Grup bajak laut Kurohige yang telah memulai perang ini, dengan menangkap "Hiken" Ace ...
Kerumunan: Dan sekarang, ia memiliki kekuatan Shirohige..!!
Kerumunan: Akan jadi apa...
Kerumunan: dunia ini?!

Halaman 04
Kurohige: ZE-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Kurohige: Aku merasakan kekuatan yang meningkat dari dalam tubuhku
Kurohige: Memang perasaan yang luar biasa!
Kurohige: Aku bisa lakukan apapun dengan dunia ini, segala sesuatu yang Aku inginkan!
Kurohige: Dan untuk memulainya...
Kurohige: Mari kita tenggelamkan Marineford!

Halaman 05
Marine: Apakah itu ...
Kurohige: Eh?

Halaman 06-07
Grup bajak laut Kurohige: AAGH!
Kurohige: ini...!
Kurohige: Shockwave (Gelombang besar)...!!
Sengoku: markas ini dapat dibangun kembali.
Sengoku: Marinford terletak di dekat pusat dunia!
Sengoku: Ini untuk orang-orang yang takut akan kejahatan para penjahat ...
Sengoku: Ini adalah alasan bagi kita untuk berada di sini!
Sengoku: Keadilan tidak akan pernah tenggelam!
Sengoku: Jangan kau berani bilang
Sengoku: bahwa kau dapat dengan mudah menenggelamkan tempat ini, keparat!
Kurohige: ZE-ha-ha-ha-ha! kalau begitu Ayo ...
Kurohige: Coba kau lindungi saja tempat ini!

Halaman 08
Newkama: Inazuma!
Iva: aghh ...
Newkama: Iva-sama!
Newkama: Mengapa! ..
Akainu: Jimbei, serahkan anak Dragon...

Halaman 09
Jimbei: Haa Haa ... ...
Jimbei: Jika Aku bisa sampai ke laut ... maka Aku akan mendapat keuntungan!
Jimbei: Dan aku bisa membawa diriku pergi!
Jimbei: lautnya ... beku!
Aokiji: Maafkan aku Jimbei ...
Bajak laut: Uagh!
Bajak laut: Ugh!
Jimbei: Dia mengejar!

Halaman 10-11
Jimbei: Oops! ..
Bajak laut: Jimbei!
Jimbei: AAAGH!
Bajak laut: Dia menyerang Jimbei untuk mendapatkan saudara Ace!
Bajak laut: Mereka masih hidup!
Akainu: Apakah kau masih bisa berdiri, Jimbei!
Jimbei: Haa ... Maafkan aku ... Luffi Haa ...
Jimbei: karena aku kau juga terkena serangan!

Halaman 12
Jimbei: Haa Haa ... ...
Akainu: kau tidak dalam posisi untuk khawatir tentang orang lain ...
Akainu: gara-gara kau menghalangi ... aku tidak bisa menyerang tepat di jantungnya.
Akainu: Aturannya dia sudah tewas,
Akainu: Kalau bukan karena kau, Jimbei!
Jimbei: Haa Haa ... ...
Akainu: Bahkan dengan dada patah kau mencoba untuk melindungi dia?
Akainu: Ia akan segera mati.

Halaman 13
Akainu: Haa ...
Jimbei: Crocodile!
Jimbei: Ugh!
Crocodile: SABLES!
Crocodile: Seseorang toTrafalga Lawng tangkap mereka dan bawa mereka menaiki kapal...
Bajak laut: Oh.. Baiklah!
Jimbei: Crocodile..!!
Crocodile: Kalau kau sudah bersumpah untuk menyelamatkan dirinya, kalau begitu selesaikan tugasmu itu!
Crocodile: Jangan biarkan mereka melakukan apa yang mereka inginkan!

Halaman 14
(sejauh ini)

Halaman 15
Buggy: UAA! Jimbei dan Mugiwara?!
Buggy: Bagaimana kau bisa kesini? wa...dan hampir mati!
Buggy: Sialan!
Buggy: Magma!
Jimbei: Terima kasih, kau menyelamatkan kami ... hidung merah ...
Jimbei: Tapi karena kelalaianku, Luffi jadi terluka parah ...
Jimbei: Cepat..!! Kami sangat membutuhkan bantuan!
Buggy: Aku tidak tahu apa yang kalian bicarakan, jadi tutup mulut kalian! Dan satu-satunya orang yang perlu diselamatkan adalah aku!
Buggy: Bagaimana kita dapat membantu dia di sini?
Buggy: Siapa yang kau sebut Hidung MERAH?!

Halaman 16-17
Akainu: Kalian semua ...
Akainu: Apakah kalian ingin memberikan hidup kalian demi anak itu?
Vista: Kita semua menjadi saksi atas keberanian dan tekad gilanya.
Vista: Dialah yang membela Ace sampai akhir ...
Vista: selain itu, Bapak juga mengenalnya dengan baik...
Vista: Kami harus ...
Vista: mengirimkannya ke Era baru..!!
Akainu: Tidak buruk untuk sampah seperti kau ...
Akainu: Bajak laut Shirohige!
Buggy: Jimbei, apakah kau pingsan?
Akainu: Aku rasa kau berbicara sekarang ...
Akainu: Lakukan apa pun yang kau inginkan!

Bajak laut: Sengoku dan bajak laut Kurohige sedang bertempur disana ...
Bajak laut: Dan di sini ada pertarungan antara Akainu dan bajak laut Shirohige!
Bajak laut: Perang ini masih berlangsung!
Bajak laut: Captain Buggy, lakukan sesuatu..!
Buggy: Apa yang kalian bicarakan?
Bajak laut: Eh?
Bajak laut: Dari laut datang kapal lain!
Bajak laut: Sebuah kapal selam?
Bajak laut: Tapi siapa?! ha?
Trafalga Law: Serahkan Mugiwara!
Buggy: Mugiwara?
Buggy: Siapa kalian semua ini?
Trafalga Law: Mugiwara musuhku, tapi untuk saat ini... takdir mengharuskan aku untuk menolongnya!
Trafalga Law: Tanpa dia aku akan bosan!
Trafalga Law: Aku akan membantunya melarikan diri!
Trafalga Law: Berikan padaku!
Trafalga Law: Aku adalah seorang dokter!

Spoiler Script for One Piece 578 :

Soruce: 2ch
Credit: Apprentice
Verification: Confirmed

赤犬はルフィーにしつこく迫る。イワンコフ、イナズマはルフィーを守ろうとするがやられ、ジンベエはルフィ ーを抱え海に逃げようとするが青雉に海を凍らされる。


Soruce: 2ch
Credit: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg


683 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2010/03/15(月) 22:59:31 ID:2iFCe/dp0



ってな事になり 麦わら屋を渡せ~俺は医者だ


Soruce: AP
Credit: Aohige_AP
Verification: Confirmed
Chapter 578

Sengoku unleashes his ability, and it's Sengoku vs Blackbeard Pirates.
It seems Sengoku has the advantage in vs BB pirates.
Akainu relentlessly chases after Luffy. Ivankov and Inazuma tries to protect Luffy, but are taken down. Jinbei tries to carry Luffy and run for the ocean, but Aokiji freezes the waters. Akainu comes and punches through his body.

Then Croc shows up, and blows away Jinbei and Luffy into the air.
Croc: I'm not gonna let the Marines have their way any longer
Buggy catches the two in the air.

Then a ship shows up from the ocean. Trafalgar Law shows up, and tells them to hand over Luffy. End
The End
Soruce: AP
Credit: Aohige_AP
Verification: Confirmed

The spoiler is already here, but it seems a little different than how I remembered.

Sengoku and Blackbeard pirates clash, and Sengoku shoots a shockwave from his hands
In just one hit from Sengoku, Blackbeard pirates start coughing up blood, and it seems Sengoku already has the upper hands.

From what I remember, when the scene changes to Akainu Ivankov and Inazuma were already on the ground... maybe I skipped a page?
Jinbei got in the way to save Luffy, but the two (Iva and Inazuma) blocked Akainu's punch, which penetrated through them.
Akainu complains that if they didn't get in the way, his punch would have reached Jinbei's heart.
Croc shows up, and blows Luffy & Jinbei away with his sandstorm, sending them to Buggy.
It seems it'll be Akainu vs Croc & Whitebeard pirates

Buggy carries Luffy & Jinbei and runs, and a ship that looks like a submarine comes out of the portion of the ocean not yet frozen, and Law appears.

Law says that Luffy will eventually be his enemy, but for now, fate brought them together, and he'll help him.
Law says to hand over the Strawhat, I'm a doctor!

Then ends.

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Locke and Vebyo Arson Untuk One Piece 578 :

bocoran na udah ada ni..., tapi tampaknya sedikit berbeda dengan sebelumnya

Sengoku dan bajak laut Blackbeard bertarung, dan Sengoku menembakkan Shockwave dari tangannya
hanya dengan satu pukulan oleh Sengoku, bajak laut Blackbeard mulai batuk darah, dan tampaknya Sengoku di atas angin [ungkapan yang artinya sedang diuntungkan].

Dari apa yang saya ingat, ketika berganti adegan dan Akainu, Ivankov, dan Inazuma sudah terbaring ditanah ... mungkin saya telah melewatkan sebuah halaman?
Jinbei terus berusaha menyelamatkan Luffy, tetapi dihalangi oleh Akainu dan menyerangnya tapi Iva dan Inazuma menahan serangannya dimana serangan Akainu menembus mereka.
Akainu berkata jika mereka tidak menghalanginya pukulannya pasti akan mengenai jantung Jimbei.
Crocodile muncul, menerbangkan Luffy dan Jimbei dengan badai pasir, mengirim mereka ke Buggy.
tampaknya adegannya menjadi Akainu vs Crocodile vs Bajak laut Shirohige

Buggy membawa Luffy & Jinbei kabur, dan sebuah kapal yang mirip kapal selam keluar dari bagian laut yang belum membeku, dan Trafalga Law.

Trafalga Law mengatakan bahwa Luffy akhirnya akan menjadi musuhnya, tetapi untuk sekarang, nasib membawa mereka bersama-sama, dan dia akan membantunya.
Trafalga Law mengatakan "Serahkan Mugiwara, aku adalah seorang dokter!"

Kemudian berakhir.

Tag : ONE PIECE, One Piece 578, One Piece 578 Spoiler, One Piece 578 raw, One Piece 578 Predictions, One Piece Manga 578, ONE PIECE SPOILERS, One Piece 578 Spoilers, One Piece 578 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, One Piece Anime, One Piece Chapter 578, Bocoran One Piece 578, One Piece 578 Wordpress, One Piece 578 English, One Piece 578 Confirmed Spoiler, One Piece 578 Read Online, One Piece 578 Download, One Piece 578 Bahasa Indonesia, One Piece 578 Onemanga, One Piece 578 Mangahelpers, One Piece 578 MangaStream.

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