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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One Piece 617 RAW Pics and Summary

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One Piece 617 English - Full Screen Reading

TRanslation by Aohige for Images above
Neptune: Gahh!!!
Soilder: Please your majesty, stop!
Hodi: What a foolish man you are, Neptune... What kind of king would be a shield for his men!?
As I thought, you're not fit to be a king!!!

Minister: Your majesty!!! Damn you Hodi!!!!
Usopp: How terrible, he's attacking those who can't fight back!!
And his power is in a different league than that Arlong!!

Zoro: Ittou-ryu.... Yakkoudori!!

Credits: Aohige / Mr. T
Status: Confirmed

Ch. 617
Huge incident at Coral Hill
Coverstory is Koushiro in front of Kuina's grave, reporting to her (about the Strawhats & Zoro, I presume)
Apparently there's an easter egg hidden secret in volume 61 cover

Neptune begs in tears to let him chase after Decken
Nami sees Arlong's tatoo on Hodi's arm, and looks annoyed
Hodi destroys the island without the use of ES, and sea water gushes into the palace
Hodi attacks with Yabusame (shoot out water as arrows)
He randomly attacks the soldiers
The King stands in front of everyone as shield

Zoro and Hodi fight starts
Zoro uses a new one-sword move (Sorry, can't read. made-up word, need furigana to see what Oda made up here lol), but Hodi uses one of his own men as shield to block
Zoro tells Usopp to cut the ropes of the detained
Zoro: The negotiations with this country is over!! We couldn't keep the promise that we'll let go all of them in safety!!
Minister comments on how honorable he is
Hodi demands New Fishmen Pirates to attack, but Usopp uses his new move on them
Green Star Rafflesia. Foul stench.

Nami's nowhere to be seen
Zoro cuts Neptune's chains, and asks him to help Brook and Usopp escape

Zoro vs Hodi starts in the water

Meanwhile, on the Coral Hill
Luffy meets up with Sanji & Chopper
Megalo is at his limits, and pukes out the princess
The whole country is now aware of Luffy's "kidnapping of the princess"
Chopper is telling Sanji the whole time not to look back, or his life is in danger lol

End. Battle's starting to heat up this week.


Actually.... it could be either.
T said 味方, which means an ally or one of your own.

But, it doesn't really explain WHICH SIDE he meant.
He could have used one of the soldiers they're beating on, or he used his own.

Let's see what T says

EDIT: Oh, T told us how the new move is called (someone in the forum asked him)

It's Yakkoudori

Woot, got reply from T.

T says Hodi probably thinks sacrifices are necessary for something to be done.
The fishman who he used as shield: What... whoa hold up boss, that's dangero.... ARGH!

So... yeah, Hodi's a grade-A asshole.
Even Arlong never did that.

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Tonyohoho untuk Bocoran One Piece 617 :

Sumber asli dari Mr. T dan diterjemahkan dari Jepang ke Inggris Oleh Aohige lalu diterjemahkan ke Indo oleh Tonyohoho dan sedikit koreksi oleh Sakura
Chapter 617
Peristiwa Besar di Coral Hill

Cerita di kover: Koushiro (ayah Kuina) berdiri di depan Kuburan Kuina, memberitahukan padanya tentang Topi Jerami dan Zoro (mungkin)

Rupanya ada sebuah telur paskah tersembunyi di cover vol 61 (kurang paham mksudnya)

Neptune memohon sambil menangis untuk dilepaskan agar dia bisa mengejar Decken
Nami melihat Tato Arlong pada tangan Hodi dan dia tampak kesal.

Hodi menghancurkan pulau (mungkin mksud T lantai istana) tanpa penggunaan ES (Pil penguat kali yah?) , dan air laut menerobos masuk Istana
Hodi menyerang dengan Yabusame (menembakkan air seperti panah-panah)
dia secara sembarangan menyerang para prajurit
Sang Raja berdiri di depan semua orang sebagai perisai
Zoro dan Hodi mulai bertarung
Zoro menggunakan jurus baru Itouryuu "Yakkoudori", tapi Hodi menggunakan salah satu anak buahnya sebagai perisai untuk menghentikan serangan zoro.
Zoro menyuruh Usopp untuk memotong tali para sandera
Zoro: negosiasi dengan negeri ini berakhir!! Kita tidak bisa menjaga janji untuk menjamin keselamatan mereka!

Menteri berkata tentang betapa mulianya Zoro

Hodi memerintah "Bajak Laut Manusia Ikan baru" untuk menyerang, tapi Usopp menggunakan jurus barunya pada mereka Green Star Rafflesia. Foul stench.

Nami tak terlihat di manapun Zoro memotong rantai Neptune, dan memintanya untuk membantu Brook dan Usopp menyelamatkan diri

Zoro vs Hodi dimulai di dalam air!

Sementara itu, di Coral Hill
Luffy bertemu dengan Sanji, Chopper, dan Hachi
Megalo sudah tak tahan lagi, dan memuntahkan sang putri
seluruh negeri sekarang tau bahwa Luffy menculik sang putri
Chopper memberitahukan sanji setiap saat untuk tidak membalikkan badan, atau nyawanya akan hilang. Pertarungan memanas pekan ini.

(dan kurang ada dialog karena banyak adegan battle. :D )

Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook

hitsuke Thanks

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