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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Piece 590 Spoiler RAW Pics and Summary

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One Piece 590 (English)


Source: 2ch
Credits: Aohige and Cepillon
Status: confirmed

Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Vebyo Arson Untuk One Piece 590 :
Judul Cerita "Adik Kecil"
Vol 59 keluar pada tanggal 04 Agustus

Kredit untuk Cepillon di APforums.

Gambar pertama

East Blue, Kerajaan Goa
Penduduk Desa Fuusha (Windmill)

Penduduk Desa: Ini tuan Garp ! GARP kembali ke rumah di sebuah kapal laut!
warga: Apakah ini perjalanan bisnis?

GARP: Hei,senang melihat kalian baik-baik saja

Penduduk Desa: Tuan GARP! Aku baca koran!
Penduduk Desa: Apa yang terjadi dengan Luffy!?
Penduduk Desa: Dengan matinya Whitebeard, apa yang akan terjadi pada dunia ini! Tuan GARP!?

Penduduk Desa: Selama beberapa hari terakhir, kami terus melihat kapal bajak laut di lepas pantai .... kami tidak bisa tidur di malam hari!

Gambar 2

GARP: Aku baru saja menenggelamkan kapal bajak laut lepas pantai
Penduduk Desa: Oh, benarkah! Syukurlah!
GARP: Mereka adalah bajak laut amatiran yang tidak tahu apa-apa tentang perang ...
Mulai sekarang ... laut dari seluruh dunia akan tidak stabil untuk sementara waktu ...
Jangan lengah hanya karena ini adalah sebuah pulau terpencil di East Blue.

Marinir: baiklah Tuan!

(Marinir memberikan tanda perlindungan atas nama Laksamana GARP utk kota)

Penduduk Desa: Oh, leganya!

Penduduk Desa: Tuan GARP, kita punya masalah lain! Seorang bandit gunung turun dari gunung ... dan menempati bar!
GARP: bandit gunung...?
Makino: Tidak!?! Silakan, tunggu!
Dadan: GARP Hei!
Penduduk Desa: itu dia!

Gambar 3

Dadan: Berani sekali kau menunjukkan wajah mu di sini!

Penduduk Desa: Tuan GARP!
Penduduk Desa: Kyaaaa!

Dadan: *terengah-engah*
Marinir: Wakil Laksamana! Garp! (menyiapkan senapan)

GARP: Tahan dulu! Dia kenalan ku ...

Gambar 4
Dadan: Kau tepat ada di sana saat perang ...!!! Mereka tepat di depan matamu ...!!!
Mengapa Kau membiarkan Ace mati !!!!!

Dadan: Kau memilih tugasmu di bandingkan keluarga!? GARP! persetan dengan "Pahlawan Angkatan Laut"! mati kau, kakek tua brengsek!
Magra: hei, hei, hentikan Bos!
Makino: tolong hentikan, Dadan!
GARP: Makino ...

Gambar 5
Makino: Tuan GARP tidak dapat menyelamatkan mereka berdua
yg berada tepat di hadapannya! Ini membuatnya lebih tertekan (stres) dari pada org lain!
Dadan: .... tidak ... org yang paling tertekan (stres) adalah Luffy!

kilas balik
Ace: Aku Ace! "Kau siapa ha..??"
Makino: Booo! Tidak, "Kau siapa ha..??" terlalu kasar.
Luffy: bagaimana dengan "anda siapa"?
Ace: anda siapa?
Makino: Hahahaha, tidak, tidak bukan itu. Kalian tidak serius kan?

(Di Jepang, mereka benar-benar kata "temee" kemudian digunakan "omee", kalau dalam bahasa indonesia kata "Anda" lebih sopan dibandingkan "Kau"
tapi sejujurnya aku juga bingung sih..hehe)

GARP: Kau tahu seberapa penting bagi dia kakaknya ...!! Makino!

Gambar 6
Woopslap: GARP .... mana Luffy? Surat kabar itu mengatakan keberadaannya tidak diketahui ...
GARP: Hei chief ... Dia lari dgn kapal selam. tidak ada tanda kapal itu hancur...!! Dia kemungkinan besar masih hidup!
Woopslap: ......

Penduduk Desa: Kau dengar itu?
Penduduk Desa: syukurlah! Tapi mengapa ada bandit ...?

Dadan: Luffy, si bodoh itu ...!! Tidak peduli mau jadi bajak laut seperti apa dia, aku akan selalu berada di pihaknya!
Hatiku seakan hancur berkeping-keping hanya dgn memikirkan apa yang dia rasakan sekarang!

Dadan: LUfffyyy! Jangan biarkan ini membuatmu putus asa!!

Gambar 7

Shanks: Jangan katakan itu ... Meskipun kita adalah musuh, Whitebeard adalah orang yg patut aku hormati. bahkan Sengokupun jg demikian.
Yah, kita berangkat sekarang ...
Marco: ya ... dan terima kasih.

Shanks: Luffy, ini pasti sulit bagimu. Aku mendengar perkataan terakhir Ace, dan itu mengejutkan aku.
Kedengarannya seperti sesuatu yg akan dilakukan oleh Kapten Roger. Pada saat aku ingin kaptenku melarikan diri, dan kadang-kadang menangis.
Dengar, Luffy ... Seorang pria menjadi pria sejati setelah belajar baik kemenangan dan kekalahan, serta berjalan dan menangis.
tak masalah menangis ...!! Tapi kemudian bisa mengatasinya!


tambahan tiga gambar terakhir dari 2ch di translate ke English oleh Aohige

Gambar 8
Calm Belt, Pulau Wanita

Luffy: Siaalllllllllll!! Aku lemah! Aku tidak bisa melindungi siapapun!
Jinbei: ..... Luffy
Luffy: Pergi ...!! Tinggalkan aku sendiri!

Gambar 9
Jinbei: Aku tidak bisa melakukan itu. Aku tidak tahan melihat kau terluka sendiri seperti itu
Luffy: Ini tubuhku! terserah aku mau diapain juga!

Jinbei: Kalau begitu, Ace juga . kematiannya adalah keinginannya sendiri.
Luffy: TUTUP MULUTMU! kalau bicara lagi, aku akan menghabisimu!
Jinbei: kalau itu yang akan menenangkanmu, kau bleh mencoba. Aku mungkin terluka juga, tapi aku tidak akan kalah dengan kondisi tubuhmu sekarang....!!

Gambar 10
Luffy memukul, menyerang, terengah-engah, dll

Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ketemanmu yang lain lewat facebook
hitsuke Thanks

Title is "younger brother"
Vol 59 out on 04/08
Credit to Cepillon in APforums.

first pic

East Blue, Goa Kingdom
Village of Fuusha (Windmill)

Villager: It's Mr Garp!! Garp returned home in a marine ship!!
villager: Is it a business trip?

Garp: Hey, good to see you guys alright

villager: Mr Garp! I read the newspaper!
villager: What happened to Luffy!?
villager: With Whitebeard dead, what's going to happen to this world! Mr Garp!?

villager: For the last few days, we keep seeing pirate ship off the shore.... we can't sleep at night!

2nd pic

Garp: I just now sank a pirate ship off the shore
village: Oh really! Thank god!
Garp: They were amature pirates who knew nothing of war...
From now on... the sea of the entire world will be unstable for a while...
Don't let your guard down just because this is a remote island of East Blue.
Marines: Yes sir!

(Marines put a sign announcing Vice Admiral Garp's protection of the town)

villager: Oh, how reassuring!

villager: Mr Garp, we have another problem!! A Mountain bandit came down from the mountain... and is occupying the bar!!
Garp: Mountain bandits...?
Makino?: No!! Please, wait!!
Dadan: Hey Garp!!!
villager: that's her!!

pic 3

Dadan: How dare you show your face here!!!

villager: Mr Garp!!
villager: Kyaaaa!!!

Dadan: *panting*
Marines: Vice Admiral Garp!!! (readys their rifles)
Garp: Hold back! She's an acquaintance of mine...

pic 4
Dadan: You were right there at the war...!!! They were right in front of your eyes...!!!
Why did you let Ace die!!!!!

Dadan: You chose your duty over your family!? Garp!! To hell with the "Hero of the marines"!! Die, you goddamn old geezer!!
Magra: hey, hey, boss stop!!!
Makino: Please stop, Dadan!!
Garp: Makino...

pic 5
Makino: Mr Garp wasn't able to save the two who were right in his arms reach! It shook him more than anyone else!!
Dadan: The one that's most shaken is Luffy!!!

Ace: I'm Ace!! Who the hell are you?
Makino: Booo! No, "who the hell" is too rude.
Luffy: how about "who the heck"?
Ace: Who the heck are you?
Makino: Hahahaha, no, no that's not it. You guys aren't being serious are you?

(In the Japanese, they actually said "temee" then used "omee", above is my liberal take to convey it in English)

Garp: You know how much he looked up on his brother...!! Makino!

pic 6
Woopslap: Garp.... where is Luffy? The newspaper said his whereabouts are unknown...
Garp: Hey chief... He ran away on a submarine. No wreckage was found...!! He's most likely alive!
Woopslap: ......

Villager: you hear that?
villager: thank god! But why is there a bandit...?

Dadan: Luffy, that idiot...!! No matter what kind of pirate he'll grow up to be, I'm always going to be on his side!!
My heart is about to shred into pieces just thinking of what he's feeling right now!!

Dadan: LUfffyyy!!! Don't let it bring you down!!!!

pic 7

Shanks: Don't say that... Even though we were enemies, Whitebeard was a man deserving of my respect. That goes for even Sengoku.
Well, we're leaving now...
Marco: Yeah... and thanks.

Shanks: Luffy, this must be hard on you. I heard Ace's last actions, and it surprised me.
It sounded like something Captain Roger would do. At times I wanted my captain to run away, and sometimes cry.
Listen, Luffy... A man becomes a real man after learning both victory and defeat, as well as running and crying.
It's ok to cry...!! But then get over it!!!


additional last three pics

pic 8
Calm Belt, female island

Luffy: DAAAAAMNNNIITTT!!!! I am weak! I can't protect anything!!!
Jinbei: Luffy.....
Luffy: Go away...!! Leave me alone!!!

pic 9
Jinbei: I can't do that. I can't stand looking at you hurt yourself like that
Luffy: It's my own body!! I'll do as I please!!!

Jinbei: Well then, Ace's body was his own as well. Him dying is his own will.
Luffy: YOU SHUT UP!!! Any more word out of you, and I'll beat you!!
Jinbei: If that'll calm you down, you can try. I may be injured as well, but I wouldn't lose to you in a state like that....!!

pic 10
Luffy pwned, grunts, panting, etc.

pic 11
Ace: Jinbei... While I was on route chasing Teach, I came across my brother in Alabasta. I haven't seen him in 3 years.
One look at him, and I knew he was alright. Why do you think that is?

Luffy bites Jinbei
Jinbei: Oh Ow!! Ouch...!! OUCH!!!, STOP IT YOU BRAT!!! *SLAM*

pic 12
Jinbei: Can you not see anything anymore!? Your confidence to climb over any walls! Your own strength you never doubted!
Numerous enemies you don't stand a chance to have faced you, and broken those confidence and belief in strength you had in yourself.
And then your brother you looked up to as a guide in this sea..!! Yes, you may have lost many!!
Your eyes are being covered by the massive wall called this World!!
But you cannot see ahead like that!! You are being swallowed in your own guilty conscience!!

pic 13
Jinbei: It may be hard on you right now, Luffy!!! But you must surpress them for now!!
Don't just think about what you have lost!! What you no longer have, you no longer have!!
Reaffirm yourself!! What do you still have left!?
Luffy: !!?

pic 14
I still have my crew!!!

pic 15
Jinbei: .... I see.
Luffy: Zoro!! Nami!! Usopp!! Sanji!! Chopper!! Robin!! Franky!! Brook!! I have... my crewmates!!!
We have a rendezvous point... I have to go...

Ace: You know what I saw? Jinbei...
Ace: With a clumsy brother like him, I'm always worried about him, you know?
I know he may cause many trouble for you guys, but...

pic 15
flashback continued
Ace: He's no longer just a little brother Luffy following me around.
He had reliable crewmates supporting him. No matter what happens, he'll be alright. It reassured me.

Luffy: I wanna see them right now....
I wanna see them!!!


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Keep in touch for Next ONE PIECE, One Piece 591, One Piece 591, One Piece 591 spoiler.

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